Rug Up Horsewear built its business on word of mouth and has now been put out into the public arena.

It all began with our first collection, 'The Mia Range', named after the Rug Up mascot…the beautiful Ru Donnamia AKA Mia.

Mia has been with Rug Up Horsewear since 2004 when she was born and has been a great model and tester for all my products. 

The very first product Rug Up ever launched in The Mia Range was the Detachable Neck Synthetic Rug. Since then we have created an extensive range featuring Winter Rugs, Summer Rugs, Rain Sheets and other accessories. All these rugs are designed by me and have been tested and tried on my horses before ever being offered to my customers. So you know you’re getting the best quality.

Rug Up is also proud to announce that ALL our products are now made in Australia, right here in our little workshop!

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Do you do rug repairs?

Yes we do.

If you have any rugs that need repairing you can send us a message and work out a time when you can drop them off at our workshop located in Nyora, Victoria.

Do you make show sets for clubs?

Yes we do!

We are working on creating a section on our website where clubs can go to order and customise a show set for their next competition.

This new section will be available in the new year so until then please contact us via the website's CONTACT US page or directly by EMAIL with what rugs you need for your club.

Please note that there is a 4 week turn around for show sets so make sure you order them early.